By JOSCHKA FISCHERThis article taken from www.project-syndicate.orgMore than just a public-health disaster, the COVID-19 pandemic is a history-defining event with far-reaching implications for the global distribution of wealth and power.…
Oil prices were at record lows for the past couple of months as the the production increased by Saudi Arabia and Russia. But on 9th of April those two states…
To accelerate the slowing economy and to get rid of the effects of the protest Hong Kong administration decided to give $1200 to its 7 million citizens. Here is the…
No doubt that there were lot worse epidemics in the history of our old world but thanks to the developing information technologies the impact of the corona virus may be…
Trade War and The New World Order: Is it time to say farewell to Neo-liberalism ?
Ali Hacıaliefendioğlu In 2018, the United States declared a new tariff policy against goods which…
SEPTEMBER 11, THE BEGINNING OF A NEW CONJUNCTURE (*) REŞAT ARIM The general trend seems to be away from the vestiges of the Cold War and towards more international cooperation. If,…
The “Atlantic Community” is an expression of the unity of destiny and the identity of interest between the United States, Canada and…
Neighbors should be seen as natural partners(*)
The world order over the centuries has been characterized by the use of force and domination. The deadlock of your neighbor being your natural…
Balkans: Heavensgate for the EU stability
Prof. Dr. Hüseyin BAĞCI - 17 February 2001, Turkish Daily NewsThe meeting of the three Balkan states presidents in Plovdiv (Bulgaria) is…
Interview with Assist. Prof. Dimitris Tsarouhas, April 19th 2010What do you think are the causes of the economic crisis in Greece?
The causes…