Prof. Serdar Erdurmaz ABD hükümeti 23 milyar dolarlık 40 yeni F-16 savaş uçağı satışına onay vermiştir. Bu satışın yanı sıra Türkiye’nin elinde bulunan 79 adet F-16 savaş uçağının modernizasyonu için…
Opinion For DPE by Ali Oguz Dirioz-- 27 December 2023 Can Sweden ease NATO membership approval by the Turkish Parliament? As a belated Christmas gift, the Foreign Affairs Committee of…
Foreign Policy Institute report pdf Foreign Policy Institute - Ankara
Author - Peder SjömanIran - Saudi Arabia Diplomatic Reconciliation: Unraveling Reactions, Charting Effects, and
Analyzing Global ConsequencesOn the 3rd of January 2016, Saudi…
Follow the links to read the articles of Mr. Walter Feichtinger in pdf format.CD-04-2023_060-061_KommentarFeichtingerCD-04-2023_084-089_ThinkThanksCD-03-2023_058-059_Kommentar_Feichtinger
DPE Website Opinion article on GLOBALIZATIONOTS AS LEVERAGE TO ENGAGE REGIONAL & GLOBAL ACTORS.Ali Oğuz DİRİÖZORCID, Scholar ID **<>Intro:Until recently, the Turkic Council was a linguistic and…