Peace Support Operations[1]
HASAN GOGUSLet me start by welcoming our foreign guests to Turkey for this important conference jointly organized by Bilkent University and the Centre for European…
A Transformed NATO: Delivering Security in a Dangerous World
Lord Robertson, Secretary General of NATO Washington, 22 October 2002
Speech by the Secretary General of NATO, Lord Robertson at…
US Policy and the Iraq Time Bomb
Prof. Dr. Hüseyin BAĞCI - 25 March 2002, Turkish NewsWhen Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote his three consecutive articles in the National Interest…
Aegean: Renewed Turkish - Greek Dialogue
Seyfi Taşhan - 13 March 2002After many years of refusal to talk with Turkey on the Aegean issues, the first encounter on…
Are Saddam Hussein's days numbered?
Prof. Dr. Hüseyin BAĞCI - 11 February 2002, Turkish Daily NewsTurkey is once again in the line of focus since the "letter exchange"…
Sharon and Arafat: No Angels!!
The Middle East is in a state of permanent terror and tension with no end in sight. In the last few days, the whole world…
Turkey and European Army
Yüksel Söylemez - 20 March 2001Will there be an European Army tomorrow or the day after? Can it be functional without Turkish involvement? Can…
Dealing with refugee flows in Austria – a crisis of policy? Sherin GharibIntroduction:The last months were characterized by a large influx of refugees from the Middle East to Europe. Most…
Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. MURAT ERDOGANDirector, Hacettepe University Migration and Politics Research Centre-HUGO “SYRIANS in TURKEY: FROM EMERGENCY AID POLICIES TO INTEGRATION POLICIES”[1] The Hacettepe University Migration and Politics Research Centre-HUGO conducted…
Media, Terrorism and Anti-terrorist Activities: "Are freedom of information and security contradictory?"
Interview with Alessandro Silj, Secretary General of the Social Sciences Council (Italy) By Kayhan Karaca, 28 November 2002…