At the last week of January 2020, US President Trump announced a plan for bringing permanent peace to the Israel-Palestenian conflict that continues for decades. That plan has been declared, as…
NEW THREAT IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS: CYBER-ATTACKS AND CYBER-TERRORISMNagehan VatanseverCyber threat is a relatively new concept in international relations discipline. With the developments in technology, risks in cyberspace are increasing. Not…
Note of the Month – May 2019
S-400 Crisis
As the timeline of delivery approaches, the tension between US and Turkey increases day by day. In May several US institutions…
Notable Events of April 2019
Local Elections of Turkey
The local elections held on 31st of March led to several conclusions and procedures. AKP, the party in power did not…
Trade War and The New World Order: Is it time to say farewell to Neo-liberalism ?
Ali Hacıaliefendioğlu In 2018, the United States declared a new tariff policy against goods which…
Turkey’s Local Elections of March 2019
Following very intensive and sometimes dirty campaigns Turkey has finally voted for the local administrations. The results are good for both sides. The AKP…
Turkey – Russia: Developing Relations
For the last two decades Turkish-Russian relations were getting better every year. Of course there were major setbacks during that period. Hitting a Russian war…
The future of Venezuela and its relations with US and Turkey
It is now a well known fact that during the Chavez period (2002-2013) together with the high oil prices…
Syrian Front and Turkey’s Relations with US Turkish army has made all preperations and is ready to face PYD/YPG in Syria to ensure its security along the Turkis frontier with…
Suriye üzerinden İran-İsrail gerilimiBY CİHAD CAMGÖZOĞLUİran İslam Cumhuriyeti kurulduğu günden bu yana Müslüman Devletler arasında İsrail’in varlığına en çok…