Article by Dr Mehmood Ul Hasan Khan, expert on geopolitical and regional studies.
Dr. Yunus Turhan May 25 is the anniversary of “African Liberation Day”, marking a momentous process of integration between 31 African leaders in 1963, which brought together a broad-front of…
by Doğaçhan Dağı Perhaps in an ideal world, history would be a value-neutral discipline interested in the matters of the past. In reality, however, readings of history is bound to…
Muhammet Emre DEMİRTAŞ Birbirinden kültürel, askeri, fikirsel, yapısal olarak çok farklı olan iki büyük emperyal gücün ilişkilerini incelemeden önce bu ülkelerin konumlarını, konjonktürü ve psikolojilerini tanımakta yarar var. Romanovlar ile…