Foreign Policy Institute and Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung of Ankara have organized a joint webinar on December 8-9th 2020.The topics were; German history and foreign policy and Turkey-Germany relations.The webinar has been realized…
Foreign Policy Institue has organized a joint webinar with Israeli Embassy of Ankara on December 7th 2020.Participants; Israeli Charge d'Affaires Roey Gilad, Rtd. Ambassador Namık Tan and İlker AytürkYou can…
Foreign Policy Institute is organizing a joint webinar with Embaasy of Czech Republic by the participation of the Ambassador of Czech Republic Pavel VACEK on December 10th 2020. The summary of…
On 10-11 December, the leaders of the EU countries come together in Brussels last time in
this chaotical year. In addition to the fight against COVID 19 pandemic and EU-UK relations,
8-9 Aralık 2020 tarihlerinde Enstitümüz ve Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Türkiye Temsilciliği ile ortaklaşa düzenleyeceğimiz 'Almanya Tarihi ve Dış Politikası ve Türk-Alman İlişkileri' başlıklı webinarlarımıza bekleriz. ID: 843 860 9307
Passcode: 7h4F9z —…
Foreign Policy Affiliated AcademicsProf. Dr. Nail Alkan
Prof. Dr. Mithat Baydur
Prof. Dr. Murat Erdoğan
Prof. Dr. Serdar Erdurmaz
Prof. Dr. Burak Gümüş
Prof. Şaban Kardaş
Prof. Dr. Gökhan…
1997’de dönemin Cumhurbaşkanı Süleyman Demirel’in talebiyle Türk-Ermeni ilişkilerinin gelişmesi için çalışmalara başladı. Türkiye ve Ermenistan ile Türkiye ve Ermeni Diasporasındaki çalışmaları yürüttü ve halen de yürütmekte. Bu arada bu çalışmalarda…
On September 23, the European Commission launched the “New Pact on Migration and Asylum,” proposing to overhaul the European Union’s long ailing policies in this area. European Union Vice President…
Kaan Soyak is the international advisor of Foreign Policy Institute and his recent interview regarding the elections in US is as follows; The interview is in Turkish and published on…
Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev’s demands to include Turkey in the Nagorno-Karabakh solution process should be taken seriously by the EU, so as to provide a fresh start to cooperation with…